Wednesday 18 June 2008

going out on a mini-mind trip

the dream of the black sea, radar stations on dark sands
profunctory buildings vines and washing lines.
the rumble of the train the darkness of the water.

good to find myself back here doing this. met a cool guitarist from a band called connil the other day. he was a recovering alcholic, and he had that vulnerable egoless stillness that you find, with people that have stood and looked down over the edge and survived. a real charming aimiable person. so much so that i went to see his band play tuts. I missed most of thier set however because I was in the verity talking with a couple of guys about life the universe and everything. but overall the feeling was one of travell. we talked about the contrast of the sad downtroden demenour of the folks of paisley against the grand architecture that sourounds them. one of the guys was going from the south of france on a yaght to scandinavia jammy bastard. real cool guys though, both taurians, i always seem to get on with my own kind. or just folks who have stuff in common with i guess. thier not everywhere, but usually for at least a second or two each day we get to see the light.

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