Thursday 31 July 2008

New job: I don't know what's gonna happen, I never do I love the color of your eyes. I hope that you do to. The make up like butterflys wing on femine eye. the peacock feathers in the early morning light. The thunderstorm we had when the heavens oppened up. The three jewls the eight fold path, the 5? precepts. THE FOUR NOBLE truths. Meditation tai chi, rock n roll, swimming running? weights. Girlfriends day dreams cats in the summer sun, trees we must never forget trees, the heron and the crow, ah the damn sea gulls so far from the shore. I've got to get moving now on to the next bit.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

going out on a mini-mind trip

the dream of the black sea, radar stations on dark sands
profunctory buildings vines and washing lines.
the rumble of the train the darkness of the water.

good to find myself back here doing this. met a cool guitarist from a band called connil the other day. he was a recovering alcholic, and he had that vulnerable egoless stillness that you find, with people that have stood and looked down over the edge and survived. a real charming aimiable person. so much so that i went to see his band play tuts. I missed most of thier set however because I was in the verity talking with a couple of guys about life the universe and everything. but overall the feeling was one of travell. we talked about the contrast of the sad downtroden demenour of the folks of paisley against the grand architecture that sourounds them. one of the guys was going from the south of france on a yaght to scandinavia jammy bastard. real cool guys though, both taurians, i always seem to get on with my own kind. or just folks who have stuff in common with i guess. thier not everywhere, but usually for at least a second or two each day we get to see the light.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

three things

Hey, three things to be thankfull for

the church that I discovered near paisley university.
the conversation I had with the dude at the gym
the enjoyment i got out of playing guitar.

Saturday 17 May 2008

Big shout out to the natural justice of the interior

Why do some get to be kings?
Let me plot a course to paradise
Let me laugh with you in the endless sun
Let the waterfall of selfless control take us on a heart jumping fun ride
The safety of the garden, for the security of the universe
When will ghettos turn into the homes of all the human family?
Take a little interest in the sundaes and the ice cream
The warm velvet interior runs its course through your cities of self doubt
Tall and chrome flat and long swimming pools
Why do some get to be kings?
Its beautiful bravado, the grace of a tall acceptance, as the panther stands his ground
The velocity of your thoughts and actions, fly 5, 000 yards in a single breath
leave your heart under heaven.
The reels of cartoon memories, sweet waves of candy cultured endless justice.
You don’t have to wait till it comes, it’s already hear
That fast lane with wind rolling its fingers through your hair

Friday 16 May 2008

life is being missed, but not always

Not the best day on earth. Perhaps not the worst. Flikin through myspace pages, seems souless. Never really understood the cool thing, my heart ends up dripping blood from my sleeve, their fine, they just don’t give enough soul. Which begs the question what am I looking for, I forgot today seems like pornography and sandwiches and t.v. oh well. Maybe I’ll go for a swim try and shake of some of this dwam. Love to all

Thursday 8 May 2008

love to all

Ran in to john fletcher. He's a teacher now.He had to give a kid a punishment exercise, the kid through it in the bin. that was his story for today nice old john. Asked if he wanted to for a quick one. he refused, asked for his new number, the pen would not write on the paper. "the gods are against us, he says" I've no more energey for john i'm afraid. What I do have energey for is this writing class tonight, not so much to become a writer, but just to get out with new people. Some of them seemed alright to me, very open. wanting to make a go of it. Nice to be around. Those that want to get out of the house. it's 4:30 right now it starts at seven I'm choking for a pint. or some form of interaction. Found out my course out at paisly was statrting not on my birthday but on the 19th. Again we'll have to see what it holds. I just want to let go of the past, do some new things and meet some new people. I've been walking around singing a lot with my ear phones in, it's been good, I still have some fear, but it seems to be less marked than before. I guess I should just stay in the moment as much as I can. May I be happy may I be well, may I be free from suffering. May you be happy may you be well may you be free from suffering.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

the perfect swimming pool

we lavish them with sweets. we lift them high in to the summer sun. Thier ours and we are gonna do this right. Not for one second will we forgett how much we love them. Not even through the dark pressures of a january afternoon. The sun of May will be with us always. It's when they touched our lives. a loft again toward the chery blosom may sunshine. We vow never to return from public houses in a coocon of broken pity. These ones will walk on grass without glass. All in time they will hear of the dark, menace of the rooks caw, and the embitered sunless glow of the tv tan. Not from our hands though. But we will make mistakes. let thier lives be filled with beaches, hill sides, light, and the california blue of the perfect swimming pool.