Thursday 8 May 2008

love to all

Ran in to john fletcher. He's a teacher now.He had to give a kid a punishment exercise, the kid through it in the bin. that was his story for today nice old john. Asked if he wanted to for a quick one. he refused, asked for his new number, the pen would not write on the paper. "the gods are against us, he says" I've no more energey for john i'm afraid. What I do have energey for is this writing class tonight, not so much to become a writer, but just to get out with new people. Some of them seemed alright to me, very open. wanting to make a go of it. Nice to be around. Those that want to get out of the house. it's 4:30 right now it starts at seven I'm choking for a pint. or some form of interaction. Found out my course out at paisly was statrting not on my birthday but on the 19th. Again we'll have to see what it holds. I just want to let go of the past, do some new things and meet some new people. I've been walking around singing a lot with my ear phones in, it's been good, I still have some fear, but it seems to be less marked than before. I guess I should just stay in the moment as much as I can. May I be happy may I be well, may I be free from suffering. May you be happy may you be well may you be free from suffering.

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