Wednesday 7 May 2008

the perfect swimming pool

we lavish them with sweets. we lift them high in to the summer sun. Thier ours and we are gonna do this right. Not for one second will we forgett how much we love them. Not even through the dark pressures of a january afternoon. The sun of May will be with us always. It's when they touched our lives. a loft again toward the chery blosom may sunshine. We vow never to return from public houses in a coocon of broken pity. These ones will walk on grass without glass. All in time they will hear of the dark, menace of the rooks caw, and the embitered sunless glow of the tv tan. Not from our hands though. But we will make mistakes. let thier lives be filled with beaches, hill sides, light, and the california blue of the perfect swimming pool.

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