Friday 2 May 2008

tv, friends, memories and politics

watchin the taliban on the tele. Suicide bomber preparing to go do the business. wow the music is amazing arabic with the reverb turned up to 11. yes I pray for peace for all men when I'm at my best or worst depending on which side of me is doing the comentary, but that is beautiful music real heart music. Anyway, missed my writing class last night. Hung over, could not be arsed. Hope I fell more up for it next week. I don't really feel like doing very much when I've got a hang over, but it sure is fun getting drunk. Just had wee feeling that the spirt of my friend Mike entered the room. He loved a good drink, we both did. I still do.I miss him. A mental picture of the drive way of his home in Philipeans, followed by a thought of the smooth summer tarmac of his childhood house in Doylestoen PA. The ramp he built out the back in the woods, the trips in to philly...Torries took a lot of seats down south Boris might be mayor, Rangers are in the final of the UEFA Cup. The wheels of the cosmose are turning. Some will be happy some won't. Constant change is hear to stay. personally I'm glad things are changeing. It means that Scotland may find even more momentum to go it alone. National conciouness could change to something different, hopfully more upbeat everyone with a feeling of greater contoll of thier own destiny. News now talking about the olympics, Christ China, I think they view the world differently than we do, in a good and bad way. I mean it is the home of the tao, which is great that the subtle energies of just being alive is cellibrated, on the other hand,
tibet, olympics, economics, makes me gulp what will become of it all. anyway its a woderful spring evening, a nice cup of tea, tele, I wonder what's on.....

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