Wednesday 30 April 2008

Refelections on faith with the time being

Thought provoking stuff as always Mr. Kilbey. My views don't entirely disagree entirely with Richard's. The moment now is all we have. This is usually just a theoretical understanding but occasionally I think that I am able to reside in it for real. As a creative person, you, I’m sure understand this. Their are times when it sounds to me like you are just being, the intellect is not fussing over anything, creativity is just happening. As far as the great beyond I don't know, I'm guessing Christ, it's what I grew up with. But, I must say the teachings of the Buddha helped me to become a better Christian, if you know what I mean. Christianity puts the cart before the horse a lot "you know should really be like this". The teachings of the budhha have given me a bit of a road map of how to become a better person. To me the whole point about the dharma is not to worship Buddha. It's about the tools of the teachings, Buddha saying: check it out have a look, see if these things work for you. May we be happy, may we be well may we be free from suffering.

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