Saturday 26 April 2008

catch the last laugh home

Good morning. I can only say that it is those idol times when I am alone in bed that cause me the most grief. The past jumps up in the form of an ex girlfriends face or I dwell on the actions of a shitty work coluage. I begin to chew on all the wrongs that I can find. Nothing seems to be an appropriate distraction. All the tunes on the zen player evoke memories that, are just plain fuckin annoying, and the radio and tele are not up to the job either. right maybe 4 sandwiches i'll do it it, or a quick wank. anything to take me away from the dull pain of existence. I here that dissatisfaction is something that I just have to live with. That we all have to put up with various forms of shit. Well peace out my fellow sufferers

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