Saturday 26 April 2008

I have a good mother and father

Ok doke my family, that which has often seemed the centre of my troubles has also been their to pick me up from the street when I’m feeling like road kill. When the world is a lightless compassionless place, yes my brother mother and father are the first to get it in the neck. However I do love them very much. For years I have tried to break free from what I sometimes perceive to be the “grip” of my family. A struggle for absolute independence when I would be sitting on splendid Italian mountain top with a beautiful and dutiful Italian girl with beautiful feet and beautiful eyes. She would say “you know Colin, you can never make a wrong move in my eyes everything you do is right you have achieved all there is to achieve you are the best” I would take a deep invigorating breath and take a sip my Amoretto.
Well it hasn’t happened yet, but what has happened is that although my life has been less than perfect, my family have overall scored a good 75 to 90 percent. Both my parents had parents who when all was said and done kinda didn’t really give a fuck about them. My folks set out to things differently and they achieved it. They always had time for their kids. My brother and I where pretty much their priority. I like times like this when I am able to be thankful for what the universe has dealt me. In the midst of my uncertainties about employment, money and careers, I’m glad that there are three other people who all in all want what is best for me.

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