Monday 21 April 2008

wow. My first blogg. This will be interesting. After having put this one off for a couple of years try 5. I have now thought hey today is the day. That's the end of the easter hols here in glasgow. This makes very little differnce to my as I am a full time poet, a layabout, doley, a man of leiusure. No matter how you slice it I am a non worker at the moment. I can catch the matinee, or stare endessly in to the void of existence either way the chioce is mine. Cup of tea anyone. ah that's better. What was I supposed to be doing oh yeah "get a job el bummo." Nah. Let me dream a little longer. I like to pretend that the big breakthrough is just around the corner, it might actually be, but it just has not hit me yet. Plusses for getting a job include more money and meeting nice chicks, behond that I'm finding it hard to see why oh well more thoughts of this nature again tommorow or 2 weeks from now or never the choice is mine.
Life is just as sweet as bird song.

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