Monday 21 April 2008

I can here the lady down stairs playing dubusey down stairs. and my brother playing a stoner bass line in the other room. culture clashes, like bids competeing in the trees. incedentally the birds ouside are adding thier tupance worth. puntuating all musical sentences. slides mistakes hurried takes its the mid afternoon muisc of escape. My bro works from home grabs the odd minuate here and thier to jump in to the draggon emroidered flares of master Jimmy Page. The lady bellow although I can not be sure teaches music from her home. It is a delite to here a string quartet floating through the floor takeing me away from the dwam of the six o'clock news.
now it's magpie, piano, seagull, and bass guitar,
a din but the din of life being lived
wait a minute now shes playing chopin, my fave

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